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Arielton Oberek - Full-stack developer

I am a full-stack developer with a passion for building modern web applications using the latest technologies.

My Projects

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to create and collaborate on meaningful projects. Here are a few of my favorites:

Notes To Strangers

Notes To Strangers is a platform that allows people to share their thoughts and feelings anonymously. Inspired by the IRL notes to strangers project, this project aims to provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to express themselves.


Quotify is an easy-to-use quote image generator. Simply input a quote, choose the text and background color and watch it transform into a beautiful image that you can share on social media!

Offbeat Axolotls

Offbeat Axolotls is an NFT collection project. The website integrates with a smart contract to enable real transactions and to display the NFTs and their details.

Web APIs

This is a collection of Web APIs, such as Vibrate, Fullscreen, Battery, and more. I've created this project to help developers learn about the different native browser APIs available for use in their web applications.

Whatsapp Wrapper

A simple API wrapper for the Whatsapp Web API. The way it works is by sending the whatsapp number to the url after the "/". The API will then redirect you to the whatsapp web page with the number already filled in.

Company Aggregator (Classified Ads)

A company aggregator that allows users to search for companies in the region of Castro, PR, Brazil

TEDxCastro Website

This is a website for the TEDxCastro event. The purpose of this website is to provide information about the event and to allow users to buy tickets.

My Tech Stack

RedwoodJSReactJSNextJSJavaScriptTypescriptChakra UITailwindCSSNodeJSGitPythonPostgreSQLPrisma ORMCockroachDB

Contact Me

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